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《释迦如来应化事迹》一书问世久矣,为教门中之伟作,众生界之宝筏,人人乐读,个个愿观,容易明了;诚对机之善本,契理之妙论。 今为仰慕上虚下云老人道德、戒行、学问、智慧、苦行、愿力、实行、慈悲、喜舍、平等、布施、忍辱、精进、禅定诸波罗密门,一生之奇特事迹,堪为末法之指南,斯世纪之救星。故而不惜重资,聘专家绘画佛教人材,精美国画二百余幅。竭数寒暑之精思设计,今始告成问世。藉此将老人道德,推行于全世界。人手一编,家喻户晓,以此而发菩提心,以此而成无上道,以此而倒驾慈航,教化众生,皆得不退转于菩提觉位矣。 岁次庚子年元月弥勒圣诞日 山僧度轮拜序于香岛佛教讲堂之华严座室

The Life Story of Shakymuni Buddha has long been circulating in the world, and it is considered a masterpiece within the Teachings, a precious raft upon which living beings can pass beyond this realm. Everybody likes to read it; one and all are delighted by the pictures that accompany the text. The book is easy to understand, truly a magnificent work that responds to potentials, a wondrous exposition that tallies with principle.

The author has long cherished a deep admiration for his teacher, Venerable Hsu Yun. This admiration extends to the Master's Way virtue, precept conduct, erudition wisdom, ascetic discipline, vow power and actual practice. It includes the Master's kindness, compassion, joy, and renunciation, his equanimity, giving, patience, vigor, Dhyana samadhi, as well as all the other Paramita doors. The numerous events that happened throughout his life can certainly act as a compass for those in the Dharma-ending Age, a saving force for this century.

Therefore, the author found an especially talented artist in Buddhist subjects, in preparing 200 scrolls, and after several years of careful planning and deliberation, this book has now been published. It is my hope that the Venerable Yun's virtuous conduct will be made known to the entire world. May many people through reading his life story be encouraged to bring forth the Bodhi resolve and accomplish the unsurpassed Way, and then, may they reverse the boast of compassion to come back and teach and transform living beings, so that together we attain irreversibility from the position of enlightenment.

Written respectfully by mountain monk Tu Lun, (Hsuan Hua)
In the Flower Adornment Study at the Buddhist Lecture Hall, Hong Kong,
On the holy day of Maitreya Bodhisattva,
The first day of the Lunar New Year, in the year 1960.